Friday, 10 October 2014

Strange things happen, but there is always a reason..

Strange things happen when you least expect it. All swt sends a sign. A timely gift that reminds me of how pure the natural disposition of humankind is. A reminder that amongst the hatred there is peace, behind the ugliness there is virtue and like through the ages, for every one who wishes to cause harm there are many that wish to help.

Little did I know that over the last few months I would come across individuals that would restore my hope in humanity. The stories go a little like this.

After a long drawn out process of being pushed from pillar to post, feeling lethargic of constraints, straight-jackets of paperwork tied securely with red tape, I was tired. Gaza, was bleeding and the world watched on. Innocent children, women and men were mercilessly being wiped away and I felt helpless, but some, sadly felt joy. As I sat in a public office one day awaiting some resolve, for the first time in my life, I was hurled abuse and made to feel intimidated by a young man, for being of my faith and race.

He felt it was ok to make a point of switching seats because I needed to take my 'rag' elsewhere and that he could 'smell my filth'. He thought it ok to then hurl profanities when I challenged his thinking and when he was challenged by others he claimed to have been a victim of racism himself.

I am blessed that I had the ability to challenge and piped up so others could hear. I am blessed that a brother in humanity whose race has also suffered for generations by those that see the beautiful shades my Lord has created an offence, came to aid and support me while others remained silent. I am truly blessed that I am reminded that respect, kindness and compassion for others doesn't cost anything and should be given irrespective.

Thankyou stranger for aiding me in my time of need.

On meeting and conversing with the paramedic who tended to my son, he not only increased my respect for the people that serve with the NHS especially in the role he plays, but also reminded me that though currently there is so much hate in the world there are many that spread, love, light and peace alhamdulillah.

While we journeyed to the hospital one paramedic shared funny stories with my son to keep his mind off the pain, the other told me about his time serving in the Gulf war. After witnessing the absolute trauma and torture being inflicted on civilians and innocent people he found for his sanity, he couldn't remain. He left to spend time backpacking around the world, to as he put, “find his humanity again.”

He told me he didn't believe ISIS was even remotely Islamic after spending time in Muslim countries, saying that he had seen Islam as a way of life that everyone could learn a little from, as it was universal moral code. He told me he hadn't met a group of people that had as much respect, empathy and humanitarianism than Muslims and he felt sad to see the media propaganda.

He ended the conversation saying that on his "run" he had found himself defending Muslim colleagues, within the current climate who had been harassed by patients who had refused to be treated by them. He felt disgusted that such deep divisions had been created apologising to me that "we are not all the same." He said, "like not all of us spit hate, I know that all Muslims are not what the media want us to believe".

From one humanitarian to another, I thank you Chris.

Like I say I am truly blessed that I am reminded that respect, kindness and compassion for others doesn't cost anything and should be given irrespective.

© Aisha Mirza 2014

I ask you all to make duas for all those that show such compassion and make dua that we become of those who offer compassion and mercy towards others. Ameen